Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Assignments 1st Semester

These are the assignments that you need to have completed.


A poster showing good design and content that you would use for teaching.
Use any programme - Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, Photoshop, etc

Marks: 10


These must be EITHER

A Powerpoint that you can use to teach your Specific Skills lesson

It should be a minimum of 6 -8 slides and should contain elements - pictures, text, Smart Art - that will ENGAGE and CHALLENGE your learners.
Use the information I gave in the lecture about backgrounds and animations.
A plain white powerpoint containing no pictures or animations will gain minimum marks.


A Prezi that you will use to teach your Specific Skills lesson

There is no fixed number of elements or positions, but it should be something that can ENGAGE AND CHALLENGE.

The addition of extra elements will always gain more marks.

Marks: 30


The exercise was emailed to you either in March or in May.  If you cannot find it, I will send it again. There is a blog post on using spreadsheets.

Marks: 20


This is a worksheet you would use in a class you teach.  It must be neat, fit on the page/s and have reasonable content

Marks: 15


A rubric which can be used to assess a section of work in your subject/Learning Area/Phase.

Marks: 15

Bonus Marks:

If you have submitted an OHP or signed up for the Partners-in-Learning network, there are bonus marks.

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