Monday, February 11, 2013

The journey begins

This is the first week of our Learning Technologies course and it's been quite a mission to find a venue for the group.

I look forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you over the year. 

All work will be submitted on line, either to my g-mail address for the course ( or into the "cloud" - we will be using

Cloud Computing is the name given to the saving of data onto a remote server.  Some different "cloud" platforms are
  • Dropbox
  • Skydrive
  • Apple iCloud
  • Google Drive
What these programmes allows you to do is save your work onto someone else's computer (a remote server) so that you can access it online and it is safe from damage or loss of your computer.

I have chosen to use for this course.  To enable you to use the Box I will send you an invitation to collaborate in the Box.

Here is a really good explanation of what cloud computing is - How Stuff Works - Cloud Computing
and a video explaining cloud computing in 78 seconds if you prefer the quick route.
You tube video

What are the advantages of using Box?
  • Your work is saved remotely so if your computer is stolen or crashes, you do not lose your work
  • You can have 5G of storage absolutely free
  • It can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet
  • You can share your files with other people and are able to collaborate and make changes to shared work
  • Only people you ask to collaborate with you will be able to access your Box, so it is not in the public eye
  • If you download Box Sync any changes you make on your computer are autiomatically saved in the Box as long as your computer is connected to the Internet.
  • Box can be used on a mobile phone (but I have not tried this)

What are disadvantages of using Box?
  • Your work may be less secure than if you are the only person who has a copy of it - but it is still very secure.
  • You have to be online to use Box
  • It is fairly data-hungry (but not totally) so it can take a while for you to access on a slow connection
  • You only have 5G of storage so videos and photos can use up a lot of your space. You need to pay if you want more storage. Or make another Box using another e-mail address. (Unlike Dropbox, you do not get more space if you have more users.)

My next post will tell you how to use the Box and I will be sendingyou an invitation to the Box as soon as I have your e-mail addresses.

Hppy computing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone. I've created the PGCE UKZN 2013 group on FB and added the technology notes for today. Not sure how to invite people, so if you search the group and add yourself it should work out.

    Kate B
