Saturday, March 16, 2013

Assignments for this term


These should all have been completed and sent to me by now.

I will reply to you as soon as possible and make comments and suggestions.


These must be EITHER

A Powerpoint that you can use to teach your Specific Skills lesson

It should be a minimum of 6 -8 slides and should contain elements - pictures, text, Smart Art - that will ENGAGE and CHALLENGE your learners.
Use the information I gave in the lecture about backgrounds and animations.
A plain white powerpoint containing no pictures or animations will gain minimum marks.

If you did not attend the lecture, that will not be an excuse for sub-standard work.


A Prezi that you will use to teach your Specific Skills lesson

There is no fixed number of elements or positions, but it should be something that can ENGAGE AND CHALLENGE.

The addition of extra elements will always gain more marks.

Due Dates:

Group A and B - 18 March

Group C and D - 26 March

Please don't expect a reply by return mail - there are 100 of you!  I will be in New Zealand from 22 March to 5 May but will check e-mail most days and will reply before you have to do your presentation.

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