Sunday, March 3, 2013

Use Prezi to teach

What is Prezi? Prezi is a presentation tool that helps you organize and share your ideas.

Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool for exploring and sharing ideas on
a virtual canvas. Prezi is distinguished by its Zooming User Interface (ZUI), which enables users to
zoom in and out of their presentation media. (Wikipedia)

How is Prezi different from Powerpoint?

  • Powerpoint is a series of sequential slides
  • Prezi is a series of objects – text, pictures, videos, shapes, arrows, etc – which are “visited” in a prescribed path.

The Prezi Software

Prezi is available free in a web based version

That means that you have to work online while you create the Prezi

However, you can save it for off-line use – so you can present it even when there is no internet

A desktop (offline) version is available

You have to pay to use it

However, you can download a 30 day free version

Find the software here: Prezi download

How to make a Prezi

You have two options

Blank Preziadd all your own elements

Template – use a pre-made template and add your own information

Start a Blank Prezi

The Prezi screen is like a big storyboard or canvas.  It is marked off in squares which help you position any pictures, but these squares are just markers and will not appear in the final presentation.

There is a big circle frame in the middle of your page.

If you want to use it, work with it.

If you prefer a blank canvas, delete the frame altogether and start from scratch or delete just the frame.

1. Plan Content

Plan exactly what you want to say and what pictures you want to use but don’t worry too much about the design – you can change that later

2. Add a frame:

You don’t have to have a frame to type in, but it looks good and holds the text together visually.

If you click, you will automatically get a blank frame.

You can choose what shape frame you want by selecting the shape in the box and clicking and dragging.

3. Add text

Type it in – either in your frame or anywhere on the board - it doesn’t matter where or what size it is

Click anywhere on the board and start typing when the text box opens


4. Edit your text:

You can choose whether you want:  Heading, sub-heading or body text.  You can also change the size or alignment but not the font.


5. Add Images

Click on the IMAGES icon at the top of the screen

You will be able to choose if you want to add a picture you have already saved, or if you want to look for a Google image.

Whichever option you choose, the picture will be inserted in your workspace.  You can then crop, delete, move or resize the picture.


6. Add Shapes

This button allows you to add shapes which you can write in, arrows to link one frame with another or a pencil which allows you to draw.


7. Add Media

Although this button says you can add Audio, it only looks for video files.

You can insert a link to a Youtube video (if you are sure the person playing it will be online) or you can save the video and embed it in the presentation.



1. Navigate your way around the workspace

Point your cursor at the right hand side of your screen and you will find the navigation buttons.

Home will take you back to the place you started working

+ will make the objects appear bigger and will make them appear smaller ie you will zoom in or out of the screen

You can also do this with the roller on your mouse.

2. The Transformation Tool

Once you add anything to your canvas, click on it once to bring up the Transformation Tool. Now you can move, size, and rotate your content anyway you like. If you add a frame to your prezi, you can click on it once to bring up the Transformation Tool and move, scale, or rotate everything inside.

3. The Overall Storyboard or Canvas

Use the Theme Wizard to customize the colors of your prezi and to set your font choices from Prezi's font library.

4. Tidy your canvas

When you start your Prezi you usually start with the “big picture” so you need to start organising the different elements so that they will make sense.

Place text and pictures where you want them and make sure they make a pleasing “picture”

Click on the different objects you have inserted and drag them to wherever you want them.

Related text and pictures are probably better next to each other.

5. “Hide” some of the text

Your body text can be made very small so that it is not obvious in the “big picture”. Once you add the motion path, the text will zoom to full size.  This adds an element of surprise to your presentation.

 6. Create a motion path

When presenting your ideas, it helps to have a clear narrative that takes your audience through your prezi. You can create a journey from one idea to the next.

Edit your path and its points in Edit mode and take your audience along that path in Present mode.

When all your objects are in the right places, click on EDIT PATH

You can now click on the objects in your Prezi canvas in the order that you want them to appear.

Thumbnails of each element will appear on the left of the screen.

You can also use the Edit Path sidebar to add new path points and to rearrange and delete path points or to zoom to a specific path point.


7. Change the order on the Path

You can add an extra place on the path by clicking on the + between two points and dragging it to a new object.

Prezi will automatically re-order the path.


8. Present your Prezi

Click on the PRESENT button at the top and then start your Prezi.

Use the navigation buttons on the bottom to move forwards or backwards along your path.

Click on the HOME button over on the left before you start to make sure your “Big Picture” is properly centered.


Create a Prezi from a Template

This is DEAD EASY!

  • From the Open Screen select the template you think will fit your idea
  • Select CHOOSE once you have found one you like

The programme has done everything for you
  • Insert your text into the frames
  • Motion Paths have been inserted
  • If you want to add other elements, use the tools at the top
  • Save the Prezi with you own name
  • Present it!


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